Background: Based on data regarding the prevalence of Parkinson’s disease (PD), the prevalence of impulsive control disorders (ICD) in PD, and the percentage of PD patients driving a car, it has to be assumed that at least 50,000 PD patients with ICD in Germany actively drive a car. However, these patients might be at risk… Read more »
Archiv nach Monat:: September 2022
Brestfeeding and risk of multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.
Introduction: The causes of multiple sclerosis (MS) are not fully understood, yet. Genetic predisposition, environmental and lifestyle factors as well as an interplay thereof constitute relevant factors in the development of MS. Especially early-life risk factors such as having been breastfed may also be of relevance. Breast milk provides the new-born not only with essential… Read more »
„That would have been the perfect thing after diagnosis“: development of a digital lifestyle management application in multiple sclerosis.
Background: A multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis urges decision-making on immunotherapies, while persons with MS (PwMS) need to develop a coping concept in parallel. At this stage, PwMS ask how they themselves may contribute to controlling the disease. Evidence suggests that maintaining a healthy lifestyle (e.g. physical activity and stress management) is a key factor for… Read more »
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